Have you got a new baby on the way? It’s an exciting time but it can also fill you with fear, especially if you’re worried about making ends meet. To ensure that you cover the most important things, here are five of the best money tips every parent should follow.
How to Avoid Over-Spending at Christmas
Your friends are wearing horrendous jumpers, lights are hanging from every inch of your house and you can’t escape the sound of Mariah Carey. This can only mean one thing – the Christmas season is here! Whilst we may jump with joy at the thought of time off work, great food and gifts, the cost […]
How Private Tuition Can Help Your Child Achieve Their Potential
Kids aren’t given the credit that they deserve. Most of them aren’t able to use their minds to their capacity because they aren’t pushed hard enough, and so they settle for what they understand is “good enough”, when in truth, each child has the potential to become a genius.
3 Ways to Stretch Your Modern Family’s Budget
It is getting harder and harder for people to live within their means. Finances are one of the things that families stress about the most. Fortunately, managing money will be a lot less stressful if a family stretches their budget. Below is a list of tips for staying within your set budget:
“I Quit!” Two words you want to say when overwhelmed with all the demands of being a mum. Cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, helping with homework and sometimes becoming the house referee are just some ‘wonderful’ things you need to do at home. Of course, things are easier if you have a bunch of housemaids, […]
Tasks I’ll Be Doing During My Spring Clean
I’m not going to lie; I enjoy doing the spring clean and clear out. We accumulate so much stuff over the year, a lot of which we don’t really need or want. I feel a lot more free and light once these items have been removed. I also love to turn up the music, roll […]
Saving Money as a Family
Being a mum is great, very challenging at times but also very rewarding. With so many responsibilities finding ways to save the family a few pennies can seem like a daunting prospect, but it doesn’t have to be as difficult as it sounds.
What is “Power of Attorney”?
Planning for a time when you’re no longer able to manage your affairs isn’t exactly the most cheerful subject, but if you want to make sure that your wishes are carried out in the event that you suffer an accident or develop an illness, this is something you’ll need to think about.
Grand National – a great British tradition
This year, on Saturday 5 April, more than 600 million people around the world will watch one of the most challenging steeplechase horse races in the racing calendar live on TV – the Grand National at Aintree in Liverpool. Even people who have no real interest in horse racing find themselves placing a bet on […]
What Your Kids Can Learn From Dora The Explorer
Parents may worry that time spent in front of the television will be detrimental to their children’s development. While TV should be limited, there are some programs that are specifically developed to offer educational benefits to young viewers. Dora the Explorer is an excellent example of educational programming. An Overview of Dora the Explorer […]