1. Substitute 3D for 2D and give the D Box or MFX a miss. The films an epic? Got to see it in 3D? Okay but keep hold of the glasses and reuse every time you see 3D.
  2. Go early. Avoid peak price times and you could save almost halve on your ticket combined with ditching the 3D. This might not be as easy as it sounds if you have a 9 to 5 but if you have a day off or fancy a film at the weekend, get out of bed early and into the cinema before the evening crowds.
  3. Buy food before you go to the cinema and take it with you. It’s probably frowned upon but unless you make it blatantly obvious nobody is going to check.
  4. Budget. If you love the food in the cinema and can’t resist, then create a budget for food and stick to it. This will allow you to enjoy cinema food more often as you will not overspend in one sitting.
  5. Subscribe. Many cinemas offer a discount on ticket price if you subscribe and book online. So if you have to go in the evening sign up at your lunch break, print your ticket and avoid the box office.
  6. Sign up or pick up a loyalty or membership card. Each cinema will be slightly different but each will have a scheme for faithful customers, whether it’s monthly direct debt and unlimited access or a see five get the sixth free set up.
  7. Bargain Tuesdays and Orange Wednesdays! Don’t forget the ever popular Orange Wednesdays or EE Wednesdays as it probably is now, take a friend and split the cost of the full price ticket. Not on Orange? Check out Cineworlds Bargain Tuesdays where tickets are sold at discounted prices.
  8. Family/student/senior tickets. Depending on you circumstances you might be entitled to a concession. If you go with the family (2 adults 2 kids) a student or over 65 you’ll be entitled to a discount every time – just don’t forget your ID!
  9. Use your retailer loyalty cards. Tesco clubcard now offer cinema tickets for a few pounds worth of points. If you’re not cinephile but enjoy the summer blockbusters save up your Tesco points and treat yourself to a free film and buy the popcorn with the left over points!
  10. Free Previews. Sign up for a website (seefilmfirst.com, momentumpictures.com) that offers free tickets to film screenings before they are released – an easy way for the studios to get word of mouth advertising!

This feature was contributed by Your Debt Expert, a professional debt management firm in Scotland. Visit their blog to get more tips and advice on money management.