Imagining your child behind the wheel is very scary, and can cause many parents sleepless hours as they wait up for their children to return home from a date or night out with buddies. Your mixed feelings are justified as you give up the keys to your eager child. On one hand you are glad they are capable of driving allowing you a break from car assembling and schlepping, however your kids’ new found freedom can be a bitter pill to swallow too. Below are some methods to help keep your child safe when they start driving:
1. Make them follow the local driving laws
- This may seem simple enough, but it is sad to say that most parents follow the “do as I say, not as I do” driving method.
- You cannot flout traffic safety and laws and expect your child not to do the same.
- The rules were made for a reason and no one is above the law.
- Demonstrate and follow the rules of the road and your kid will do exactly the same!
- Many parents also seem to drink and drive and then advise their kids not to do it. That is not usually appreciated by the kid, and the kid might think he or she can do the same thing as well. Nonetheless, it’s the duty of the parent to make the kid aware that drinking under the influence of alcohol can be a crime. If need be, take the help of DUI lawyers of comparable caliber from Salwin Law Group or their likes, to educate your child on DUI laws.
2. Make sure they use the Seat Belt
- Studies show that more than 35% of kids do not put on a seat belt when driving, and the number is higher when they are passengers.
- Many people, not just kids give excuses like they are just going a short distance, and they are safe not using one, however a good number of accidents happen within five miles from your home.
- Wearing seat belts is non-negotiable for everybody. As a parent, make sure that the seatbelt looks tough and secure. If not, consider getting a replacement strap from Safety Restore.
3. Ban them from using cell phones while thy are driving
- Explain to your kid that studies shows that when people talk on phone while driving their judgment can be as compromised as if they are drunk.
- Nevertheless, a good number of parents driving with the kids in the car have or do talk on the phone on a regular basis when driving.
- Also warn them about the dangers of texting while driving.
4. Know the speed limit
- More than half of people insured have confessed of driving 10 to15 miles above the speed limit on a daily basis. More than 90% admit to not paying attention to the limits at all.
- Speed can kill, and inexperienced kids with under-developed driving skills do not have the capacity to stop or control a car quickly when speeding.
- Rollover accidents are higher in kids than any other driving age bracket. Be conscious of the speed limit all the time.
5. Limit the Number of Passengers
- If your child has a friend in the car they double the probability of a serious accident happening, and with two or more the risk increases five times higher.
- Kid passengers create interruptions, play with the radio, play the radio above safe driving levels, cause kid drivers to take risks at lights, encourage speeding, eating, passing other vehicles, talking on the phone, and many more dangerous behaviors.
- Limiting the number of passengers to one can save your kid’s life.
6. Make them talk
- In order for you to remain calm, it is a good idea to have them tell you what they are looking at.
- It is easy to assume that they see the red traffic light, or the line of stopped cars.
- This supposition will get you into trouble and send your frustration meter into track.
Remember that your child’s safety is very important and that is why you need to apply the above mentioned methods. Kids often get easily exited and you should make sure to keep them on track. You can get the dvla phone number and contact them in order to make sure your kid keep their driving information up to date or report a vehicle which is not road worthy at any time.