For mothers, the days blur together, seeming to become one endless “to do” list filled with cooking, laundry, and shuttling the kids to and from school and extracurricular activities. While it’s certainly important to be an active part of your children’s lives, every once and awhile, you need a break from the constant demands of motherhood. Doing so can actually help you to recharge your batteries and become a better mum. Here are a few simple tips for taking some time for yourself every now and again.

Rediscover yourself

Remember the life you had before you had children? The one in which you’d visit museums, take long walks, or head to the cinema to watch the latest indie flick? Allowing yourself to rediscover that part of yourself can actually help you become a happier, more fulfilled mum. How did you relax before children? How did you spend the time you had for yourself? Did you perhaps listen to music, enjoy a cannabis product (click here to see a selection), or take a long bath? Give yourself some time to enjoy those things again. Arrange for your husband, a family member, or a babysitter to look after the kids so you can spend the day however you choose. Even if it’s just to curl up on the sofa and catch up on your favourite TV show using a digital service provider as you could check here. Try not to feel guilty about taking time for yourself: doing so will ensure that you are relaxed and refreshed whenever you take over your parenting duties once again.

Pamper yourself

If you’re free time is somewhat limited, capitalise on the few quiet moments you do have throughout the day. In the mornings, wake up a few minutes early to have your morning cup of tea and read the news; doing so will ensure that you feel fresh and awake when it’s time for the kids to get up. If you have some extra time while the little ones are down for a nap and the older kids are at school, take a relaxing bath with scented bath salts to help melt away the stresses of daily life. You could even consider visiting Mission Farms CBD to look at their relaxing and de-stressing soaps. That could help you to relax and forget about all of your worries for a while. Self-care is so important, so make sure to take time to have things like baths. In the evenings, putting on your boyfriend cardigan and curling up with a good book and a glass of wine can be the perfect way to unwind just before bedtime. The best part? All of these stress-relievers can be done while the kids are sleeping or otherwise occupied with school, homework, and activities.

Get away for the weekend

Family holidays can be a wonderful bonding experience, but let’s face it: you can never truly unwind when you’re looking after the kids. Instead of queuing at theme parks and visiting petting zoos, leave the kids with a family member or babysitter and take a long weekend with just your husband. That way, you can really relish your holidays the way you used to-relaxing on the beach, going for a massage or a manicure/pedicure, or even trying out an adventure activity like kayaking or hiking. You and your husband will return home fresh and ready to take on the challenges of parenting once again.