A speed dating event is basically an organized event that puts an equal number of eligible men and women in the same place so they can meet each other. Speed dating has been around for a long time, in fact, the first ever speed dating event was held back in 1998. Today, events are popping up all over the world and are very popular in the UK as well as the United States.
These events are pretty easy to find, just do a quick internet search for speed dating events in your area. Most events require advanced registration so you have to plan well. They are usually fairly small events, only a couple of dozen participants at a time so get your registration in earlier rather than later.
Many speed dating events are targeted for very particular interests such as people over 50, LGBT, even tall people speed dating events are possible. If you can imagine a group, they’ve probably got a speed dating event and it won’t be hard to find.
First Things First
When you arrive at a speed dating event, you will most likely be greeted by the host or hostess. They will assign your table number and give you your name tag. At most events, participants start off at the bar area before the event begins. Generally there will be some snacks and other refreshments available, either at a small cost or included in the speed dating event.
Regardless of the targeted group, every speed dating event runs pretty much the same way. All the men and women get a chance to meet each other over a series of short “dates” that are really more like short interviews. Each date can last anywhere from 3 to 8 minutes, depending on who is running the event, but on average it’s 5 minutes. At the end of each date, somehow the organizers will signal the participants to move on to the next date, usually with a bell.
Meeting Your Dates
After each date, the participants get a chance to decide whether they would like to meet their dates again or not. Both sides then turn in their responses and a list of the people they want to contact to the event organizers. If both sides want to get in touch with each other, the information is passed on and it’s up to them from there. Contact information is never shared during the date, only through the organizers. It’s a nice way to relieve the stress and pressure of having to reject someone in person.
One of the best things about speed dating is that it blows the old adage “you only get one chance to make a first impression” right out of the water. In speed dating, you get a dozen or more chances to make a first impression. Isn’t that a freeing thought? If you mess up on one meeting, it’s no big deal, there is another chance in a few minutes. It takes a lot of the stress away from trying to be perfect and allows you to be you.
So if you’re interested in trying speed dating, visit sites such as http://smartdatinguk.com which will be able to help you out with the basics of the speed dating process and get you started on the road to success.
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