3 Steps to Easy Indoor Gardening for Busy Moms

indoor gardening

When you’re busy chauffeuring kids, cooking meals, and planning your time, it can be hard to work fresh veggies into the menu – even harder during those cold winter months.

Is there an easy way to have fresh veggies at your fingertips year-round? There is. Indoor gardening can give you tasty, fresh foods grown in the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to worry about weed or temperature control as there are plenty of tools for just that purpose. For example, the opaque black and white poly films, like the ones you get at https://shrinkwrapcontainments.com/t-panda-premium.aspx can be used for reflecting the light from the floor up to crops. It can also be used to prevent weed and other unwanted growth with the black side.

Start out with herbs

If you’re beginning your first foray into indoor gardening, then herbs are the best place to start. They’re hardy, they’re tasty, and they’re surprisingly easy to grow. You don’t need any special equipment or knowledge to get started. You just need some soil, a few small pots, and some seeds or pre-started plants. A few good options for your first indoor herb garden are basil, mint, cilantro, and dill.

Move On to Veggies

The next logical step in your indoor gardening journey is growing vegetables. This might seem a little counter intuitive since homegrown vegetables are known for being grown in the backyard, not the living room. However, it’s not as hard as you’d think to get a few veggies growing indoors.

fresh vegetables
Image courtesy of Supertrooper and freedigitalphotos.net

Carrots, potatoes, and tomatoes are all fantastic candidates for your first indoor veggie adventure. They require minimal setup and they yield great results. Plus, they can each serve as great learning tools for children. Kids have a blast watching their veggies grow and develop, and they find it extra satisfying to give them a taste when they’re done! If this makes you want to branch out a bit more with your indoor growing, you don’t necessarily have to plant outside, you can look into getting a greenhouse for some extra veggies. Using websites like https://scynceled.com/shop/green-house-lights/ to help with equipment will get that green thumb going.

Try Out Hydroponics

If you make it through your first experiments with herbs and veggies successfully only to find yourself hungry for more, hydroponics are perfect for you. These water-based systems are automated, allowing you to grow optimally nourished plants with fantastic yields. Hydroponics are a little more involved, however. You’ll need containers, nutrients, grow medium, and grow lights. Don’t fear though! You can pick up a starter kit if you’re not sure how to assemble all the supplies on your own.

More Indoor Gardening

Interested in learning more about indoor gardening? Give the graphic below a look to find out more!

DIY Indoor Gardening: How to Save Money and be Green
