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6 Tips for Reducing Humidity in the Home

15th Mar 2018

Humidity and temperature increases inside the home are an uncomfortable experience. During the summer, these issues are prevalent among various homes, although causes of the problems can vary. However, you can find multiple ways to reduce the humidity in your home.

Increase Ventilation in Your Home

Image via Flickr by Catalina Dondiuc

The first step to take when attempting to reduce humidity is increasing ventilation. You need to ventilate areas that create moisture, such as the basement, the bathroom, and the kitchen. You may also need an exhaust fan to increase airflow and prevent humidity from rising. Open doors and windows during days when the weather is dry outdoors to reduce the need for dehumidifiers and ventilation fans.

Seal Air Leaks

Regularly check your doors, windows, and exhaust fans for leaks. Another major culprit to look for is roof leaks since rain will enter your attic and insulation if left unchecked. Act quickly when sealing them since these areas can allow humidity from the outside to enter your home.

Take Shorter, Cooler Showers

Consider taking shorter showers to decrease levels of moisture in the bathroom. If you can tolerant the conditions, take a shower with slightly cooler water. Overall, you’ll benefit from saving time waiting for the water to warm completely and reducing your utility expenses.

Gather Plants in a Single Location and Cover Their Soil

In a jungle, you’d experience uncomfortable levels of moisture in the air. Plants give off moisture as they add oxygen to their surrounding environment. Consider grouping plants in your home in a single spot. Seal off their soil from exposure to prevent evaporation of water. By doing so, you can keep humidity levels in check and save yourself the task of watering your plants often.

Be Mindful of Temperature Differences

Learn to compare the temperature indoors with the temperature outdoors. Being mindful of temperature differences is simple, since all you need to do is spend a few minutes outside to tell whether your area is experiencing hot or cold, or humid or dry, conditions.

By doing so, you’ll likely notice whether natural humidity is high or low, allowing you to easily decide whether you should install other moisture control systems such as dehumidifiers or ventilation fans.

Install a Dehumidifier

If you live in an older building with poor ventilation or in humid environments, a dehumidifier can be a welcome addition. This appliance is useful for basements since these areas have no exposure to air or sunlight. Installing them in bathrooms without windows is a practical choice as well as keeping them in any moist areas inside the home. Dehumidifiers function best in closed spaces away from walls and furniture.

No one enjoys experiencing a humid indoor environment. Various solutions like the ones above for humidity maintenance can help you with such issues. Increasing ventilation, sealing air leaks, taking shorter and cooler showers, gathering plants in a single place and covering their soil, noticing temperature differences, and installing a dehumidifier can help you to combat high humidity issues in your home.

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