Having children of any age means a busy life for mum, but if they are babies or toddlers then the challenges seem twice as daunting and there’s never enough hours in the day.
Looking after little ones means ensuring there are lots of changes of clothing to hand when they have inevitable accidents, attending to them when they are tired, under the weather or generally feel that they have to share their thoughts with the world by crying and of course being there as they develop and have wonderful firsts such as smiling, laughing speaking and walking. Add in the fact there’s also a home to keep clean and jobs to keep on top of and 24 hours is often never enough to scratch the surface of what needs completing.
There is a solution though and millions of parents have taken the route which leads to increased free time, an incredible organised home environment and the opportunity to dedicate more of the day to the amazing experience of having children. The answer is to hire a housekeeper.
The benefits of hiring a housekeeper
It may feel strange at first to invite someone to clean for you but you’ll soon realise that you’re employing someone with skills and experience in many other areas. Not only are they domestic goddesses in ensuring the bathroom sparkles and the kitchen glistens, they will know when all the little jobs need carrying out and will ensure there’s a schedule in place. On top of this is the fact that they are excellent managers of time and resources. Cooking is often a skill they can offer you so you can pass over the responsibility of food preparation and sit down to enjoy a homecooked meal made with love rather than grabbing a quick snack or popping a ready meal into the microwave. Thanks for stopping by. Just before we carry on I want to give thanks to http://www.householdgadgets.co.uk/ for their continued support and the support of their community. Having a support team like this means a lot to us as we continue to grow our consumer blog.
What to look for in a housekeeper
Housekeepers in London are experienced, qualified and focused on providing you with a well-managed home.
When choosing a housekeeper, it needs to be someone you can communicate well with as you’ll need to discuss the tasks required, the dynamics of the household and the ground rules of the home if they are to be undertaking a live-in role.
A housekeeper should be reliable, have excellent references which have been checked by the recruitment agency you use and honest. They need to be able to keep a confidence and have nothing to hide such as a criminal past. Again, using a reputable agency will mean they will carry out the initial screening for this kind of issue. Ideally, a housekeeper who has had at least one long term client is preferable as it shows they can build relationships, establish working patterns and show they are responsible.
A housekeeper is an incredible asset and will always be there to help manage the home. Even those who live alone find that keeping on top of all the jobs can be a challenge so factor in children and the workload instantly doubles – as an absolute minimum. Don’t become overwhelmed with everything you need to do on a daily basis; hire a housekeeper and enjoy your new found time both for yourself and your young ones.