Saving money is on everyone’s mind, and there is a huge array of different ways that you can help to save for the future. When I set the goal of saving 10K this year, I knew it would be hard, but not impossible. With determination and the right thinking, I knew I could cut costs and save for our future.

People save money for many different reasons, and the beginning of the year is the ideal time to make the commitment to save. Whether you are attempting to get out of debt, or want to save for the future, there are top tips which can help you to achieve your goal. I have decided to use dome of these tips, and see how much I can save throughout the year.

Where to start saving for the future

I decided to read as much as possible on alternative costs of living, and how to save money on food, bills, and the general cost of living. A useful resource was, which outlined how to cut the costs of household expenses. Living in London, I knew they would be high, but I hoped there was ways to help save money.

Food and shopping can be ideal ways to save

Shopping was an area that I knew I could improve on; I had to learn how to shop wisely and be organised. Impulse buying was something that I had often done in the past, and I had to stop this method, and ask myself did I need the item.

Writing a list before going for the food shopping was vital, and helped me to cut my food bill instantly. Making the girls their lunches for school were something that I had never done as money was the easier option. However, by taking the time to plan their lunches, and making everything at home, I begun to see savings.

I also stopped buying coffee on the way to work, and made my own lunch for the office. Visiting the local farmers markets, and buying fresh produce from the local people rather than the supermarket was an excellent way to save. I had to take longer doing the weekly shop; however, it saved me a huge amount of money every week.

Planning and organisation are vital

Organisation is the key to any project including saving money, and I soon discovered that the internet was my friend. I could look up the latest savings, promotions and offers and take advantage of them in so many different areas. Whether I wanted cheap family days out, or free children’s meals at restaurants, every offer was available.

If you take the time to research well, and look at the different ways that you can save money, you will soon discover that there is a huge array of offers. I am slowly realising how much money I have wasted over the years, by paying full price, and not taking the time to research. I am determined to reach my 10K goal, and ensure that I change my lifestyle and spending fo the better.